Youth Organisations
An important pillar we emphasise is Community. We strive to help out young people find a place where they can fit in, have fun and more importantly come together, in a safe environment, with a community of young people that share similar values, as we believe that the support of a religious community is invaluable. So, here’s a list of youth groups present in Gozo, that one can form part of.
Kerċem Youth Group
Ages: 12 – 20+
Meeting Days: Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Kerċem Youth Centre
Contact: Fr. Brian Mejlak
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79063357
The meeting days for specific age groups are as follows: Form 2: Mondays at 7.00pm; Form 3: Fridays at 7.00pm; Forms 4&5: Thursdays at 7.00pm; 6th Form: Wednesdays at 7.00pm; 18+: Saturdays at 7.00pm.
We strive to keep our weekly meetings interesting by mixing things up and organising various activities from time to time. To name a few, we love BBQs in the warmer months, games and movie nights, cooking and baking, or hikes in the colder months.
Social Media: We have a private Facebook group for each youth group, and sometimes we post on the public Kercem parish Facebook page: ‘Parrocca Madonna tas-Sokkors u San Girgor il-Kbir’
Adolexxenti Katidral tal-Assunta
Ages 12 – 17
Meeting Days: Thursdays & Fridays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Cathedral Parish Hall
Contact: Fr Daniel Sultana
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79924903
The meeting days for specific age groups are as follows: Form 2: Thursdays at 6.30pm; Form 3: Fridays at 6.15pm; Forms 4-6: Fridays at 7.30pm
Apart from our weekly meetings, during which teens discuss and reflect, we also meet and share some time together. We participate in Parish life by visiting our elderly during Christmas time and organizing other events, enjoy the outdoors during school holidays, share prayer experiences especially during Advent and Lent, and spend some days together during the Summer.
Social Media: Instagram: adolexxenti_katidral
Fontana Adolescents’ & Youths’ Group
Ages: 12 – 18+
Meeting Days: Friday & Saturdays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Parish Centre
Contact: Fr. Simon Cachia
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79093699
The meetings for specific age groups are as follows: Fontana Adolescents’ Group: ages 12-17, Friday @ 6.30pm; Fontana Youths’ Group: ages 18+, Saturday @ 7.30pm
Social Media: Facebook Pages: ‘Fontana Parish’; ‘Kummissjoni Żgħażagħ Fontana’; ‘Parroċċa tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesu’ tal-Fontana’
Grupp Adolexxenti Ta’ Sannat
Ages: 12 – 15
Meeting Days: Wednesday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Ta’ Sannat Parish Centre
Contact: Fr Daniel Grech
Email: [email protected]
Number: 99288781
23four Group Parroċċa San Ġorġ
Ages: 12 – 18+
Meeting Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: 23four Hub
Contact: Fr Joseph Curmi
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79204434
The meetings for specific age groups are as follows: Form 2: Saturday at 6.30pm; Form 3: Wednesday at 7.30pm; Form 4 – 5: Thursday at 7.30pm; 16+: Friday at 8pm; 18+: Monday at 7.30pm (Malta)
Social Media: Facebook: 23four Group Parroċċa San Ġorġ; Instagram: @23fourgroup
Nadur Teen & Youth Centre
Ages 12 – 18+
Meeting Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Nadur Teen & Youth Centre. (The 18plus group holds its meeting at Dar Manwel Magri, next to the University Chaplaincy in Malta)
Contact: Fr Mark Bonello
Email: [email protected]
Number: 99228367/20330021
The meeting days for specific age groups are as follows: Form 2 – Wednesdays, 6pm; Forms 3,4&5 – Wednesdays, 8pm; 6th form – Thursday, 8pm; 18 plus – Tuesdays, 8pm; Prayer Group (15+) – Fridays, 8pm
The Nadur Teen & Youth Centre (NTYC) is a group of adolescents and youth, guided by a group of animators and a director, and it forms part of the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Parish, situated in the village of Nadur.
The NTYC group meets at John Paul II Parish Centre. This place has been built in the late 70s and refurbished in the past 4 years with the objective of having a better place for our youth.
The NTYC’s mission is to create a space where every teen and youth feels welcome and at home, a space where Christ’s love for us is received and transpired. Therefore it is a place that gives the opportunity to many teens and youth to express themselves, be it during meetings by sharing their thoughts and desires or by using their own talents to showcase them with the whole group or during events directed to the public.
Social Media: Facebook: ‘Nadur Teen & Youth Centre’, Instagram: ‘ntycentre’
Żernieq (Ta’ Sannat)
Ages: 12 – 15
Meeting Days: Monday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Old parish house
Contact: Georgina Gauci
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79559071
The group was set up in 2006 with the intention that girls who have received the Confirmation, will have a place to meet on a regular basis. It was set up for girls only, since in Sannat boys have the MUSEUM, whereas girls do not. The group discusses social and religious topics in a very friendly and open atmosphere. Once every month, our meeting involves either an outdoor event or life skills gatherings such as cooking.
The number hovers around 10 and the attendance of the members is regular.
Qala Teen Groups
Ages: 12 – 17
Meeting Days: Saturdays & Thursdays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Qala Parish Centre
Contact: Fr Michael Said
Email:[email protected]
Number: 79210180
The meetings for specific age groups are as follows: Forms 2 – 3 Saturday: 4.30pm, Forms 4 – 5 Saturday: 6.00pm, 16+ Thursday: 7.00pm
Munxar Teen and Youth Groups
Ages: 12 – 17
Meeting Days: Thursdays & Fridays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Munxar Youth Centre
Contact: Fr. Noel Debono
Email: [email protected]
Number: 99866705
The meetings for specific age groups are as follows: Forms 2-4 Thursday: 7.15pm; Forms 5+ Friday: 7.30pm.
Social Media: Facebook: Parroċċa Munxar
Żebbuġ Teen Group
Ages: 13 – 19
Meeting Days: Friday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Żebbuġ Parish Centre
Contact: Fr Krystof Buttigieg
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79277239
Nazzarenu Youth Group
Ages: 13 – 18
Meeting Days: Thursdays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Ċentru Nazzarenu
Contact: Fr Joseph Bajada
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79492387
Social Media: Facebook: Knisja Ġesù Nazzarenu, Xagħra
The aim of this group is to create a safe and comfortable place where people can meet, interact and have fun while exploring different elements of our faith. This would provide companionship for those who wish to enhance their spiritual life throughout their adolescent lives.
Taċ-Ċawla Teens
Ages: 12-16+
Meeting Days: Mondays & Tuesdays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Good Shepherd Pastoral Centre
Contact: Fr. Giovanni Curmi
Email: [email protected]
Number: 99228918
The meeting days for specific age groups are as follows: Form 2 & 3: Tuesday 5:30pm – Form 4 & 5 Friday 7pm
Social Media: Facebook: Knisja Ragħaj it-Tajjeb Taċ-Ċawla Rabat Għawdex
Our leaders hold weekly meetings with youths and teens throughout the year. Meetings consist of ice-breakers, catechesis and social themes, followed by sharing. Every meeting ends with a special moment of prayer. Pancakes and Nutella follow, whilst sharing laughs and building friendships. Enriching and significant moments are created whilst having fun playing in our games room and in the newly renovated playground. Hikes, live-ins, as well as various experiences abroad are frequently organised.
Xewkija Parish Teens and Youths
Ages: 12-16+
Meeting Days: Wednesdays & Fridays.
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Xewkija Parish Centre
Contact: Ronald Debrincat
Email: [email protected]
Number: 77853144
The meeting days for specific age groups are as follows: Form 2 – Fridays at 6.00pm; Form 3 – Wednesdays at 7.30pm; Form 4 – Fridays at 7.00pm; Form 5 – Fridays at 8.00pm; Form 6 – Fridays at 8.45pm.
Social Media: Facebook: Xewkija Parish Teens & Youths
Our group offers weekly meetings through which the teens can be accompanied, along with other fellow group members, in their spiritual and human growth by adults in the Christian faith. The group’s specificity is the encounter with the person of Jesus Christ through various methods: Bible reading and meditation, prayers, charitable experiences, Sacraments and witnesses by invited speakers, amongst others. The weekly meetings also include basic life skills, and cultural and fun activities such as outdoor activities, day trips to Malta, and an annual three-day live-in. This is just a hint of what a journey with our group offers.
Xaghra Youth Centre
Ages: 12+
Meeting Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Ċirklu taż-Żgħażagħ
Contact: Fr Michael Mifsud
Number: 99280660
Social Media: Facebook: Xaghra Youth Centre
San Lawrenz Teens & Youth Group
Ages: 12 – 21
Meeting Days: Friday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: San Lawrenz Parish Centre
Contact:Fr Anthony Bajada
Email: [email protected]
Number: 79277228
The meetings for specific age groups are as follows: Friday at 7:30 (Form 2 – Form 4); Friday at 7:30 (Form 5 +)
Social Media: Facebook: St. Lawrence Parish – Gozo MT
A meeting is held every Friday where different topics are discussed varying from spiritual, social, moral or current issues. Apart from the weekly meetings a three day live-in is held annually, and on several occasions the group organizes a night hike and other activities where the group members can spend some quality time together.
Grupp Adolexxenti u Żgħażagħ Għarb
Ages: 12 – 16+
Meeting Days: Tuesdays & Fridays
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Location: Għarb Parish Center
Contact: Fr Samuel Grech
Email: [email protected]
Number: 99253176
The meeting days for specific age groups are as follows: Tuesdays, 7pm; Friday, 8pm.
Social Media: Facebook: Parroċċa tal-Viżitazzjoni – Għarb Għawdex