Navis | Do not fear

28 September 2022 | Written by Jennifer Cauchi |

For Navis Youth Animators’ Seminar

“We are not volunteers, we are missionaries!”


One major reflection by keynote speaker Josef DeBono during Navis was the recognition that the work being carried out with young people is not simply volunteer work, but a mission.


More than 50 leaders and animators, including priests and members of school pastoral teams from all around Gozo attended the seminar which this year focused on the wellbeing of the animator. The seminar kicked off with an activity through which various challenges were identified. This was followed by a reflection on the importance of being aware of our own selves and our interaction with young people.


Through the reading of John 6: 3-13 – the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, the focus shifted to what Jesus does throughout this particular passage. The actions identified all led to reflections on how the animator acts during different and challenging situations – Jesus shifting his full, undivided attention on those who approach him, Jesus who recognizes their needs, Jesus who involves others in finding a solution, Jesus who gives value to what is good and multiplicates it and Jesus being careful not to waste even the smallest of things – because even little things can make a big difference. Which is why it is necessary that the youth animators need to take care of themselves and reflect on how to make good use of their energy.


A final, important aspect from this part of the seminar was the importance of remembering for whom the work is being done. This in itself should be the central aim that motivates all that is done.



After a coffee break, the seminar then focused on young people’s needs, and how to involve them in searching for a solution. This was then followed by a discussion on the importance of taking care of oneself through sharing ideas and challenges with other youth leaders, seeking spiritual direction and prayer.


Bishop of Gozo Anton Teuma thanked all the animators for their dedication and work within the Gozitan parishes and communities. He reminded of the importance of ongoing formation and sharing with each other their experiences. Bishop Teuma also thanked KDŻG and KDPS for organizing this the second edition of Navis.


The seminar concluded with the launching of the new KDŻG website and notices regarding the new resources and the World Youth Day activities. The participants were also invited for a moment of food and fellowship.