
What is a vocation?


Pope Frances speaks of vocation in the strict sense “as a call to missionary service to others” (Christus Vivit n. 253). He reminds us that “our life on earth reaches full stature when it becomes an offering;” (CV 254) “I am a mission on this earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world” (Evangelii Gaudium n. 273). The recognition of “why I was made, why I am here on earth, and what the Lord’s plan is for my life” is one’s vocation (CV 256).


So Vocational Ministry first and foremost helps Christians, especially young people, to discover God’s call to friendship with Him, because every other mission or vocation is inextricably linked to God’s gratuitous love. As a result, it encourages young people to listen to God’s voice and be shaped and guided by him in order to “become what I was meant to be, faithful to my own reality” (CV 256). Then it assists young people in discovering the beauty of being there for others as something that fully respects every person’s most profound desire. This is most evident in the call to start a new family and work, as well as the call to the priesthood, religious life, or other forms of consecration.

What is discernment?

Vocational Ministry supports young people in discovering their own vocation by fostering a climate of solitude and silence in a world that constantly bombards us with stimuli, leaving little room for interior silence. Pope Frances reminds us in Gaudate et Exultate that “the Lord speaks to us in a variety of ways, at work, through others and at every moment. Yet we simply cannot do without the silence of prolonged prayer, which enables us better to perceive God’s language, to interpret the real meaning of the inspirations we believe we have received, to calm our anxieties and to see the whole of our existence afresh in his own light” (171). This silence allows young people to listen to the Lord, others, and reality itself in order to answer the fundamental question: “How can I serve people better and be most helpful to our world and the Church?” That is why Pope Frances calls our attention to the most important question of all: “So often in life, we waste time asking ourselves: ‘Who am I?’ You can keep asking, ‘Who am I?’ for the rest of your lives. But the real question is: ‘For whom am I?’” (CV 286). 

Could it be me?

Young people are also encouraged to be accompanied on this journey of discovery by a spiritual director who can guide them through the process. Spiritual accompaniment strengthens the relationship with Jesus and assists young people in discerning what is going on in their lives, where grace is present, and where temptation exists. Above all, it helps the individual in listening to the deeper inclination of the heart.

Join a Vocational group

If you want to deepen your search for God and his calling, join one of our vocational youth or teen groups, which are open to both male and female students. You can also get in touch with us to talk about your journey.

For male students

  • Forms 4 and 5
  • 16+ 
  • 18+


Fr. Noel Debono

Mob: 9986 6705

Email: [email protected]

For female students

  • Rooted – Form 4+ 


Dorienne Portelli

Mob: 9989 3994

Email: [email protected]